Real News from RealNex

Webinar Series

Posted by StephanieJ on Jul 9, 2015 11:15:32 AM

RealNex Announces Free CRE Training Webinar “Mini-Series” For Brokers;
Includes Guest Speaker and Financial Analysis Authority Jeff Fisher

WHAT/WHO: ​RealNex, the real estate technology company formed by the Pavonis Group bringing together an integrated suite of solutions for the real estate industry, is hosting a series of free 30-minute training webinars in July focused on key industry topics  for today’s commercial real estate broker. Participants in the series will receive practical and clear training focused on what it takes to become a true CRE “rock star.”

​The webinar series will kick off with a special presentation on CRE financial analysis, hosted by industry thought leader Jeffrey D. Fisher, Ph.D, co-author of Real Estate Finance and Investments - Introduction to Investment Analysis and Valuation. Mr. Fisher, a nationally recognized authority on the subject, serves as Professor Emeritus of Real Estate at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and is an educational consultant to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF).

​The series will also touch on the RealNex collection of leading CRE technology offerings designed to help agents manage all aspects of their business, including ProperyLine, a leading property listing system; REA, a project, property and client tracking customer relationship management (CRM) system; REI Wise, a real estate analysis software; Ten Eight, an online portal and app enhancing communications between brokers, landlords and tenants; and Buzztarget, a 3-in-1 marketing system allowing free unlimited listings, targeted email distribution and the ability to distribute to private contact lists.

Each session is from 9:00am-9:30am PST/12:00pm -12:30pm EST. The list of webinars with dates is as follows:

• Monday, July 13: REIWise -- featuring special guest speaker Jeffrey D. Fisher

• Wednesday, July 15: Importing 101 -- Building Your Database

• Friday, July 17: PropertyLine -- How to Create the Perfect Listing

• Monday, July 20: Building an Email Flyer and Tracking the Results

• Wednesday, July 22: Creating a Listing Proposal

• Friday, July 24: Tenant Representation for the Modern Broker

• Monday, July 27: Pipeline Tracking and Marketing Reports

• Wednesday, July 29: 150,000 Contacts You Want to Mail and You Now Can

• Friday, July 31: Creating the Perfect Offering Memorandum

WHERE: ​Please visit the link below to register (attendees need to register only once to attend all of the webinars in the series):

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