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Systems that Play Nice: The Importance of All-In-One CRE Platforms

Posted by RealNex on Feb 18, 2016 9:17:56 AM

The CRE industry is beginning to appreciate the potential for digital tools and platforms in boosting performance and improving customer service. We use technology to facilitate a whole range of activities. Here is a partial list:

  • Document storage and sharing
  • Listings
  • Transactions
  • Scheduling
  • Contact management
  • Marketing
  • Financial Analytics

There are tools for every facet of the work, and they help to make us more responsive, informative, and connected. There are times, though, when communications fail. Not between people, in this case, but between applications. Consider these scenarios, which may be unfortunately familiar:

Example #1: A client requests specific demographic information, but you are in the field   and your data analysis tool is not optimized for mobile. This causes a delay in response.

Example #2: You want to create a property flier that includes data on the local market, but the formats are incompatible. You have to spend time reformatting the data to get the product you want.

Both of these examples are the result of devices and software not being able to “talk” to each other. This is a vexing problem, and it occurs more frequently when you are using different tools for each individual task. They can produce a lot of useful information, but they can’t work together to analyze data or eliminate redundancy.

There are other downsides to using an assortment of different tools. Obviously the cost of using several different products is generally going to be higher than that of using one.  Also, it can get pretty cumbersome keeping track of login information for multiple platforms. This also makes it time-consuming to move back and forth between platforms in the course of your work. Information needed to complete a task on one may be housed on another. Finally, when the information is located it could very well be in a format that’s not compatible with the destination you have in mind. Ugh.

For all of these reasons it makes a lot of sense to incorporate as many functions as possible into one platform. One login. One dashboard. All of your information. This saves you time and enables you to provide the service your customers expect. The power of an all-in-one tool is greater than the sum of its parts.

Our all-in-one solution for CRE manages different areas of the job while making it easy to connect them and share critical data and information. We offer a full range of functions in these areas:

Property Inventory

Base Property Information, tenant rent roll, photos, plans, rental and sale history, listings and availabilities.

Customer Relationships Management

Customized for CRE to manage contacts, activities, “haves” and “wants”,  market info, scheduling, and more.

Transactions and Investments

Private deal rooms, property comparisons and investment analyses, tour book and leasing agency app.

Marketing and Content Generation

Create proposals, websites, flyers, brochures, offering memorandums with  maps based on market data.. Public and Private hosted listings and e-marketing campaigns.

The key to improving functionality is removing the redundancies that can be so costly in terms of time and lost opportunity. Technology that really works for you has to perform consistently. When the pain point of incompatibility is removed, digital tools are the perfect partners.

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