Real News from RealNex

Using Your CRM Platform and Other Technologies to Attract Millennial Talent

Posted by RealNex on Mar 17, 2016 2:00:24 AM

If you haven’t read at least one piece this month on how the millennial generation is influencing society, you’re the exception. It seems that everywhere we see the effects of this group’s preferences and priorities being played out. Their numbers in the U.S. exceed baby boomers by more than 10 million, and they are the dominant demographic in today’s workforce.

With their energy and technological expertise, millennials are also in demand in all types of businesses, including CRE. Attracting them is an important concern for brokerage firms, and understanding what makes them tick can help in creating the work environment and company culture that will bring them in and make them want to stay.

Technology is a given

For the millennials, technology has always been a part of daily life, and its rapid development is something to which this generation can easily adapt.  The CRE industry has not been known as a cutting edge user of technology, but that is beginning to change. The ability to utilize digital tools to improve service and efficiency is important to millennials, and CRE will do well to provide those tools.

Millennials take their values into the workplace, and they’re looking for companies that share them. Providing tools that enable employees to work in the ways that suit them best is a powerful recruiting strategy, and it also makes for better performance. A robust CRM platform brings these tools together in a powerful and cohesive way.


Millennials favor collaborative projects, and a well-designed CRM platform provides the forum for working with colleagues and forming partnerships regardless of location. Document sharing keeps everyone informed and saves time that can otherwise be spent tracking down needed information.


Cloud-based CRM platforms also increase flexibility with regard to scheduling and location. Millennials prefer to have options when it comes to where and how they work. That’s part of what’s driving the open-office movement; millennials want the option to work in a comfortable lounge or meet with their team over coffee on the patio.  Working in the cloud offers them the flexibility that they prefer.


Millennials are concerned with company culture, and they want to work in an atmosphere in which management is accountable and ethical. In a recent survey, 86% of the millennial respondents stated that ethical leadership was either “extremely” or “very” important. In fact, a lack of ethical leadership had the highest “deal breaker” rating of all cultural factors, where 54% responded that it was extremely important and a potential deal breaker.

The extensive information and inherent transparency provided by technology solutions like CRM platforms helps to establish an ethical company culture. These platforms are also useful in the development of mentoring relationships, which are extremely important to millennial workers.

For the millennial employee, technology is an integral part of the desirable workplace. A strong CRM platform is as much a part of the job as fast WiFi, competent staff, and a clear mission. With access to these tools, millennials can feel confident of reaching their potential in your firm.

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