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2016's Best 7 Productivity Apps for Real Estate

Posted by RealNex on Nov 29, 2016 4:21:54 PM

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Real estate professionals are on the go, and apps that let us take care of business anywhere are tremendous time savers. Often, however, researching and selecting the best tools can take up great amounts of time -- defeating the purpose of 'efficiency' apps. Fear not. We've done some looking around for you. Read on for details on productivity apps that are ideal for real estate.                                                


 What real estate agent hasn’t run into a situation where they needed to scan a document, business card or floor plan while on-the-go? Scanable, from Evernote, makes scanning and sharing docs super easy. When scanning a business card, Scanable even adds LinkedIn data automatically.


 While it might look like just another to-do app, Todoist offers a Chrome extension that allows you to tie emails to to-dos and will pull up the accompanying emails when you click on the task -- saving you valuable time digging through your inbox.


Sick of forgetting your passwords? Real estate agents often have dozens to remember. Use LastPass to manage all your passwords in one place. It’s safe and secure!


Amy is an AI-powered digital assistant that can help you spend less time scheduling meetings with clients, other agents, and new prospects. It’s a simple tool that eliminates the need to go back and forth multiple times in order to find a time that works for you and the person you’re meeting with. All you have to do is Cc: Amy whenever you get a request for a meeting and “she’ll” take care of everything for you.

Open Home Pro

Designed for real estate agents, this iPad app is a digital sign-in sheet that can help you collect and convert more leads at an open house or similar event. The information can be used to generate leads or to document participation in an event.


Technology can help you to be in more than one place. If a client can’t come to tour a property, you can use video calling apps like FaceTime and Skype to take them there.  An iPad or a phone with a fish eye lens attachment can provide a brilliant and detailed visual of the property to a client who can be anywhere in the world. Questions can be answered live, as they occur, and features specific to that customer can be emphasized, so deals happen faster.


Some of the best apps are those that help to organize and coordinate your tasks. In real estate marketing, keeping track of tasks like blogging, social media posting, and email marketing can be daunting.  This app brings order and helps you easily track your day-to-day activities from any location.

Don’t hesitate to try new technology because you’re busy. These tools can help free up time and reduce error, so you’re more alert to opportunities as you encounter them. Choose the tools that fit your needs. Make more informed decisions, plan strategically, and come out ahead by taking advantage of these digital tools now. 

The productivity of CRE professionals is top on our mind. Check out our website. Or sign up for a demo to speak with a RealNex sales consultant about how our deal management platform can make you more successful.

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Topics: CRE, Real Estate Technology

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