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3 Signs it's Time to Drop Your Legacy Systems for New Tech

Posted by RealNex on Nov 28, 2018 2:20:00 PM

While owning a piece of history can sometimes be quite the luxury (think retro cars or antiques), owning old “legacy” software? Not so much. When it comes to business, we all know it’s about being profitable -- and being profitable means being efficient. If you don’t establish streamlined internal processes, you will almost certainly be edged out of the market by your competition.

While some may say the process to modernize your software is time-consuming and costly, we’d like to argue that the cost of running the vital processes of your business on outdated software may be quite higher. By relying on these outdated legacy systems, you could be putting your business at risk… but how do you know if your systems need to be updated?

Let’s take a look at 3 signs it’s time to drop your legacy systems for new technology.

1. It is slow and cumbersome.

One of the best indicators that your software needs to be replaced is if it lacks speed, takes forever to perform even standard tasks, or has multiple glitches. Think about it this way -- let’s say you have to wait a few minutes for a report to generate or load. While this may not sound like a big deal on its own, imagine if 100 of your employees have to lose these 3 minutes every single day for a year? That slow report then equates to more than 50 workdays wasted every year.

2. Your legacy system has no mobile capabilities.

More and more, it is becoming increasingly obvious that mobile capabilities are a must for every business. In fact, nearly 9 out of 10 organizations surveyed by Red Hat have already begun to implement a mobile app strategy. In other words, if your software can only be accessed from a computer in your office, there’s a good chance that it is already outdated and that you are falling behind your competition, in terms of performance and revenue.

The flexibility to work out of the office is especially important for companies that require working in the field, such as sales, construction, logistics, and more.

3. It lacks flexibility and simply can’t keep up with your business growth.

As you know, your business is constantly evolving and growing -- or, at least, it should be. When your business model, internal processes, or even the scale of your operations change, it is critical that your software is able to keep up. If your current system lacks the capability to accommodate your basic needs, you may be forced to instead adjust your business -- and that could end up setting you back.

Software modernization is a huge part of the digital transformation initiative and requires a sound strategy for implementation, careful planning, and a savvy tech partner to help you mitigate any related risks and get the most out of your investment. With RealNex, we are the only CRE tech you’ll need. Win more business and close more deals -- faster. Our suite of tools is the only platform that you will use all day. Contact us today to learn more.


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