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4 Actions Brokers Can Take to Increase Email Open Rates

Posted by RealNex on Oct 21, 2016 9:00:00 AM


It goes without saying that a successful real estate email marketing campaign involves the emails actually being opened and the links actually being clicked. Whether you’re sending out prospecting emails or are simply following-up with a current client, these simple tips can help you improve your open rates.

Track Opens and Clicks

First of all, in order to improve your rates, you need to know how many of your emails are being opened and what your potential customers are clicking. Why? Well, the answer is simple: data. In order to find an effective methodology that works for your target group, you need to know how many emails are actually being looked at and what links inside them are being followed.

Not only can data grant you insight into how effective your emails already are, but this data functions as a testing process -- allowing you to see what elements affect the success of each email. You might find that emails with pictures get more clicks. You can try out different amounts of copy or different conversational tones. The bottom line is that without data, you'll be working in the dark. This is also called 'guessing' -- not a proven recipe for success.

Use Interesting and Non-Generic Subject Lines

Many real estate agents fall into the bad habit of using generic and non-individual subject lines for their emails. While it's easy to throw out a very general subject line, this practically ensures abysmally low open numbers.

Don’t let this mistake become your mistake. One of the key things you can do to improve open rates is to use interesting, personalized, and eye-catching subject lines. Rather than the very generic “New Subdivision Open! New Homes Available!”, perhaps include your client’s first name or something you know will capture their attention. For example, “Jenna: Here’s one with a pool” might capture your prospect’s attention. While “New Listing in Austin” is rather generic.

Personalize the Sender

An extension of the above, send the email from a person, rather than from an automated “” type email. This makes it less likely to be flagged as spam. And, if the receiver sees an email from “Sarah Drake” rather than “Info,” they’re more likely to open and click through to the message.

Avoid Being Put in the Spam Folder

If you aren’t careful, your email could end up languishing next to the desperate pleas of a Nigerian prince in your prospect’s spam folder. Spam filters are becoming more and more complex, and as a result valuable emails are getting swept away with the actual spam because they failed to distinguish themselves. 

Personalizing the email as described above is an effective method for not being relegated to the spam folder. More importantly, protect your email "reputation" by sending only to contacts who are expecting email from you or have opted into your email database. Avoid purchased lists or scraped addresses that are sure to send your spam rates through the roof.

Did you know that RealNex offers both an email campaign manager (for your private clients) and an eMarket service that sends digital brochures to members of the RealNex Database? Sign up today to talk with our consultants about how to make the most of your email efforts.
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Topics: CRE, CRE Tech, CRM, email, RealNex

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