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4 Amenities Industrial CRE Tenants Are Looking For in 2020

Posted by RealNex on Jan 21, 2020 8:00:00 AM

New year, new upgrades. 

With 2020 off to a fast start, commercial real estate is preparing for some big changes. The CRE industry is getting ready to adopt all the latest and greatest trends to attract new tenants, boost their market position, and upgrade their properties. 

This is especially true for the industrial sector. 

The warehousing business is going through massive changes thanks to new technologies, increased demands from e-commerce, and changing tenant requirements. To stay afloat during these changing tides, industrial is going to need some winning amenities.

These are the 4 hottest amenities that industrial CRE tenants are looking for in 2020.

Smart Technology

If you thought Smart Technology was just for the home, you’re wrong.

Smart Tech is becoming the norm for every commercial property type - especially in warehouses. The productivity-boosting capacity of Smart Technology is making it an irresistible integration for the industrial scene. 

Smart security devices like cameras and sensors are helping make warehouses safer and more secure. Smart lighting and atmosphere controls are allowing warehouses to cut down on their wasted resources and reduce utility bills while boosting the property’s eco-efficiency. 

Smart scanners help streamline the package sorting and distribution process by using advanced barcode technology to keep things on track which avoids losses and disorganization. On top of this, Smart tech and AI can collect and analyze data in ways that have never before been possible. 

These boosted logistics will allow your warehouse to optimize it’s workflows and operate faster, better, and stronger.

More Parking

Warehouses need more parking. It’s the only way to fulfill the increased demands placed on the business by e-commerce. Last-mile logistics, same-day shipping, and faster order processing are boosting the number of pick-ups and deliveries that happen at industrial sites. 

To accommodate this increased traffic, warehouses need a place to park the trucks. Developers and property owners should think about increasing the number of loading zones, truck parking areas, and parking spaces for team members. 

Broader Tech Infrastructures 

As digital capacity keeps on growing, the industrial arena needs to keep up. Broadening the tech infrastructure is a must for warehouses in 2020. In order to offer maximum 5G compatibility for tenants, property owners need to add in the physical elements that support this wireless network.

Satellites, WiFi, wires, and sensors are all apart of the expected tech-toolkit for industrial spaces in 2020.

Lifestyle Amenities Shake Up Contemporary Warehouses 

The biggest change we’re seeing in 2020 warehouses is the adoption of luxury amenities. 

Big companies are beginning to extend their corporate cultures to every part of the business - even the warehouses. Tenants will be looking for warehouses that offer premier lifestyle amenities for their team members, helping to attract and retain talented employees. 

Lounges, sports courts, cafes and restaurants, and even pop-up wellness stations are making their way into modern distribution centers. Property owners need to consider these previously unthought-of elements into their warehouse designs for 2020.

Everyone involved in CRE’s industrial scene should consider these amenities in their 2020 business strategies. 

Happy New Year! Make sure to follow the RealNex Blog to stay current with us this year. 


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