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4 Ways to Make Your Real Estate CRM Work Better for You in 2022

Posted by RealNex on Jan 19, 2022 8:00:00 AM

When your schedule gets hectic, it is easy to neglect your real estate CRM. However, it’s important to keep in mind that your real estate CRM is the very heart of your business. As such, it can either be a tremendous help — or hold your business back. A contact list that is out of date or a to do list that goes unmanaged for too long can make it difficult, if not nearly impossible, to know where you stand with lead generation and more. By taking the time to get your real estate CRM in order, you can create an organized business that not only runs smoothly, but also drives profits. 

As we move into the new year, here are 4 tips to make your real estate CRM work better for you in 2022. 

Pay attention to your relationships

One of the biggest priorities with your real estate CRM is your relationships — after all, “relationships” is the “R” in CRM! Go through each contact and check-in with a quick call. Assess how likely this particular contact is to become a client or refer you to someone needing real estate services, and then sort them accordingly. You may even want to rate and rank prospects  - A. active Clients, B. sometimes Clients, C. near term potential clients and D. future business prospects. While this may be a time-consuming task at first, qualifying and sorting your contact list helps to make sure that you are marketing the right services to the right people, and using your time most efficiently. 

Enter your goals

Your CRM can only help you track your progress toward your goals if you input them. Make sure that you enter any goals for lead generation, income, sales volume and more, so that you have a clear picture of what you are working toward. If you’ve already created goals for the year, now is the time to revisit them to see if you need to make any updates or adjustments. 

Create a plan for contact 

Now that you’ve qualified the contacts in your CRM and set your goals for the year, it’s time to create a plan for regular contact. Every person in your CRM should be contacted regularly. Real estate, more than almost any other industry, is all about people and relationships. Your very success as a real estate professional relies on your ability to stay top of mind in your clients’ and prospects’ minds.

You’ll never be able to do this if your contacts forget about you because they never hear from you. Use your real estate CRM to create a plan for regularly reaching out to your contacts, whether it’s a happy birthday card or an invitation to meet over coffee. With RealNex CRM you can efficiently set up Timelines of scheduled events for each level of relationship, including calls, marketing, social interactions and more.

Check off your to-do list

Your CRM should populate daily to-do lists or tasks for you to complete, in order to help you meet your goals. This gives you an idea of what you need to work on each day to stay on track to meet your goals, and if followed assures your most important priorities are completed first. It may seem minute, but it’s often the simplest tasks that can make the biggest difference in closing a deal — and these can be easy to overlook. Use your CRM to help you stay on task and in line to meet your goals for 2022. 

To follow this and other commercial real estate trends, be sure to explore the RealNex Blog.


Topics: CRE, CRE Tech, CRM

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