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6 Business Must-Reads For CRE Professionals

Posted by RealNex on Jul 27, 2017 8:00:00 AM

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Whether you’re headed out for a last-minute summer vacation or simply need a great book for your commute, a quality business read can be just what you need to get the wheels turning and inspiration flowing. There's no end to great content that can give real estate professionals insight into best business practices and increased productivity. We've narrowed it down to five to help you out.

1. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

As a real estate agent or broker, a 4-hour work week may seem an impossibility. This book covers all aspects of life and how to streamline activity to increase your productivity and money-making potential. Ferris advocates outsourcing, "mini-retirements," and a whole lot of travel. It is really all about work-life balance, and who wouldn't like more of that?

2. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is a sales coach and knows all about starting from nothing and working one’s way to the top. The 10X Rule defines four states of action, including "Massive Action" -- a principle that promises concrete steps for goal achievement.  Cardone is a real estate investor himself who solves for mediocrity by analyzing shortcomings and identifying solutions.

3. Crush it! By Gary Vaynerchuk

If commercial real estate is your passion, then this book is for you. Gary Vaynerchuk, or GaryVee, teaches how to take your passion to the next level. He also discusses adapting to the changing world of business through social media, including staying connected to your audience. If you are not following Gary on social media, then do so now. He is constantly pushing out content about social media marketing and business in general.

4. The Miracle Morning by Michael Maher

Time management is key to not only being a successful businessperson, but also maintaining a work-life balance. The Miracle Morning is a 6-step morning routine that promises to not only change your perspective -- but to change your life, all by formulating a morning routine that "wakes up your motivation level". 

5. Brokers Who Dominate, 8 Traits of Top Producers by Rod Santomossimo

Santomossimo has done the hard work of seeking out successful professionals and distilling their defining characteristics and activities. This book contains plenty of advice but is tempered with examples to back up Santomossimo's assertions.

6. Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

There is already a staggering amount of information at our fingertips -- and that data pool seems to be growing exponentially. Stephens-Davidowitz looks at a variety of interesting topics from the vantage point of big data, ultimately drawing conclusions about what this data says about us and our world. It's funny, interesting, and ultimately -- revelatory.

What are your favorite business books? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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