Real News from RealNex

5 Ways to Up Your Real Estate Email Marketing Game

Posted by RealNex on May 11, 2021 10:30:00 AM

In today’s commercial real estate business arena, email is a pivotal link keeping businesses and clients connected.

Email marketing is effective. In 2020, internet users sent 306.4 billion emails each and every day. By 2025, the daily email rate is expected to increase to over 376.4 billion messages being sent per day. 

As you can imagine, not all of these emails are personal communications. Marketing data showcases that the average subscriber receives 416 commercial messages per month from the different companies and services they interact with. 

As web activity continues to peak at all-time highs, and email traffic is on the rise, commercial agents need a strategy in place to help get their email outreach noticed. In today’s market, you need to be sending out valuable and engaging emails that keep your clients from scrolling past you. 

Stop getting left unread. Start sparking meaningful conversations that drive business. Here are five tips for upping your CRE email marketing game:

#1. Add Emojis to the Subject Lines

Emojis offer your recipients a welcomed change of pace on their email notifications, prompting them to open and read your mail. 

Incorporating thoughtful and relevant emojis in your email subject lines can cultivate closeness with your clients. They help make messages more personable and less focused on the “selling” element. Maintain a professional tone, but don’t be afraid to make things fun with emojis. 

#2. Make the Most of Subjects and Headers

Besides emojis, your subject lines and headers should be the key point of your email marketing campaigns. Every character counts, so don’t waste space. Creating an attention-grabbing and potent subject line will help your emails take priority when they’re on your client’s notification lists. 

#3. Use Strong Keywords

Keywords prompt engagement. A study conducted on over 2,000 CRE emails showed that these three keywords in subject headers had the highest rate of opening:  

  • “Video” with a 31.4% open rate
  • “New” with a 31.1% open rate
  • “Photo” with a 28.7% open rate

It may seem simple, but using these popular keywords in your email subject lines can be the difference between getting opened or scrolled past. 

#4. Integrate Video and Imagery 

If you’re using those keywords, make sure your emails deliver by integrating photos and videos. Embedding HD photos and video content into your email marketing can add an exciting element to your marketing. Plus, it’s a great way to drive traffic to your available listings. 

#5. Target Your Recipients 

Sending out specific emails to buyers and sellers will make your marketing plan more effective. You’ll avoid being categorized as spam by sending irrelevant emails to clients with different needs. Organize your CRM contacts to begin sending out service-specific messages. 

It’s Time to Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

Email campaigns should be an essential element of your commercial real estate marketing in 2021. RealNex has fully integrated RealCampaigns email marketing into its CRM and Marketplace to most efficiently target market your services and listings. You can easily display video, photos, flyers and any related links. RealNex even has a VideoMaker app and listing flyer wizard to make creation a breeze. To learn more about how RealNex’s complete end-to-end suite can improve your commercial real estate operations, explore our products. Keep an eye out for our specialty CRM, which includes email integration. 

If you’re looking for more real estate best practices, see what’s on our blog. Be sure to subscribe to keep up with our latest news.


Topics: CRM, email, emarketing, blog

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