Real News from RealNex

Closing the Deal: 3 Reasons 3D Works for CRE

Posted by RealNex on Jan 4, 2018 10:22:55 AM

Technology is quickly changing the way the commercial real estate industry goes about its business. With the advent of three-dimensional modeling, or 3D, we’re literally seeing a new dimension of visual opportunities spring to life.

According to a market research report from Markets and Markets, the 3D printing market is slated to reach nearly $30.2 billion by 2022. That’s a growth of 28.5 percent between 2016 and 2022. This growth is driven by factors such as government investments, complex part production, mass customization, prototype development, manufacturing improvements and the cost of 3D visualization technology, capture and deployment.

The commercial real estate industry has already jumped aboard the 3D train. Here are a few reasons that this development has proven positive.

Making its Mark on Modeling

These days modeling is considered the most common use of 3D printing in the commercial real estate industry. Clients who wish to know what a building will look like from every angle can now see it in a faster, lower-cost way.

This reduces the what-if factor and allows commercial real estate professionals to have a far more accurate sense of what they will be working with before a single stake even goes into the ground. This can lead to smarter, better planning, not only on a micro level, but on a larger civic level if developers care to use it in such a manner.

Building Process Grows Quicker, More Accessible

Gone are the bad old days when the actual building time could be measured more closely in years than months. Take an example cited by Bisnow: Shanghai-based Winsun, under order from the Egyptian government for 20,000 small 3D-printed homes, was able to build a triple-story villa home at one floor per day.

Additionally, locations that were once tough to access – for example, those in remote or dense areas – are now far riper for development thanks to 3D technology. That’s because it’s far simpler to transport a 3D printer and its attendant material into such locales than large, heavy equipment. Developers will find this helps build large-scale emergency housing after natural disasters, something that is already being done in the Philippines.

Multiple Benefits

3D rendering has the power to take a flat, colorless drawing and make it far more vibrant and easy to visualize. This, in turn, offers prospective clients a better look at what their investment will buy or how they can optimize their space.

What’s more, 3D rendering brings designers into the picture far earlier in the process while at the same time harnessing the capacity to show a range of products at different price points. It has a dynamic impact in planning, approval and marketing stages. The flexibility that you get with this type of rendering allows it to be used for varying types of marketing, both print and digital, as well as presentations and meetings. Finally, 3D modeling can act as a surrogate for staging, which in real estate can prove pricey.

Ready to begin? Check out RealNex’s RealFit and RealNex VR which allow you to model spaces in high resolution or create your own test fits by moving walls, doors, windows while arranging office furniture – modifications that all take place virtually. If you’re looking to shorten sales and leasing cycles, differentiate and customize property offerings, and provide an enduring asset for property management, look no further.

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