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Company culture for the win

Posted by RealNex on Apr 13, 2017 8:00:00 AM

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In today’s workplace, company culture is a big factor – not only in attracting great talent, but also in retaining it. This is no different in a brokerage where culture can be a big asset in attracting and retaining top producers. Even more important, however, is the recognition that company culture can be used to develop top producers. 

Company culture as a topic is generally framed around large tech companies like Facebook and Google, but every company has its own culture —whether there is an effort to create one or not. Some cultures can be toxic, resulting in a high turnover rate and trouble attracting top talent. Social media almost guarantees that a poor company culture rep will spread through websites like Glassdoor, potentially causing damage. We have to look no further than Uber for a crystal clear demonstration.

On the other hand, a positive and encouraging company culture can be a boon for business and aid in developing amazing talent. A positive company culture is created through a broker who leads boldly – teaching by experience while also providing the necessary tools to help agents succeed. A successful company culture, once created, can take on a life of its own as agents reenact, nurture and pass that culture along to others. This is when the magic happens. When employees subscribe to a positive company culture and cultivate positive attributes in new employees, everyone is a winner.

Frances Frei and Anne Morris in the Harvard Business Review explain that culture “tells us whether to risk telling our bosses about our new ideas and whether to surface or hide problems. Employees make hundreds of decisions on their own every day, and culture is our guide. Culture tells us what to do when the CEO isn’t in the room, which is, of course, most of the time.”

What makes a great company culture then? Well, that’s the million dollar question.

Realize that a positive company culture must be thoughtfully cultivated. It’s not generally something that crops up on its own. Plan events, form committees, and stage programs that bring people together in a positive way. Make some of these events opportunities for employees, who might not normally interact, to get to know each other.

We do know that for the millennial workforce demographic – an exceptionally large segment at 54 million participants – the ideal workplace will incorporate social responsibility, flexibility, and plenty of opportunities to learn and progress. This might mean that your company sponsors a community fun run, participates in recycling efforts, or reaches out to local shelters and churches. 

Undoubtedly, technology plays a big part in providing opportunities to progress. The right tool for the right job produces more efficient and happier employees. Also consider that standardizing a platform across a business is part and parcel of culture building. As employees learn and share best practices, they become part of a larger common goal that can encourage unity and teamwork.

RealNex can help in this department by providing tools that give agents and brokers the tools to track, prospect, market and close deals on commercial properties. Let the RealNex team give your team a boost. Sign up today for a demo.

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