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Did Ya Know, You can roll-up or drill-down from Organization to Contacts?!

Posted by RealNex on Jun 12, 2020 4:27:42 PM

Did Ya Know, You can roll-up or drill-down from Organization to Contacts?!

RealNex CRM gives you the ability to link contacts to companies, companies to subsidiaries and subsidiaries to organizations. By building an organizational hierarchy you can access any level of the tree. What’s more, now you can even roll-up or drill-down to see any properties or spaces owned or represented at that level!

This is a great time saver when dealing with large organizations for corporate services, tenant rep or investment sales. By knowing who is handling what and who the boss’s boss is you are able to win more business and close more deals faster than ever.

To learn more about how to take advantage of this great new efficiency tool watch this quick video.

We hope you are doing well and we look forward to continuing to support you with valuable tips and training on how you can make the most of the RealNex platform particularly during this difficult time.

Topics: Did Ya Know

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