Real News from RealNex

High-Quality Scans Are Key to Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Twins

Posted by RealNex on May 17, 2024 10:00:00 AM

The business world loves to talk about digital transitions. For most companies, this transition is rather easy. Technology exists to put almost any business process online. Even old, paper files can be quickly converted to a digital format with the help of a document scanning service. But for the real estate and construction industry making a digital transformation is not as easy as switching over to a new app. Buildings exist in the real world, to put one through a digital transformation means replicating every part of it on a computer. Please access full article by By FRANCO FARAUDO as it appeared in propmodo


Topics: CRE, CRE Tech, Real Estate Technology, VR, Productivity, CRE Marketing, 3D VR, virtual tours, AI, digital twins

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