Real News from RealNex

How to Streamline and Accelerate the Sales Cycle with RealNex

Posted by RealNex on Nov 14, 2018 9:00:00 AM

It’s no secret that CRE sales involve monitoring listings, prospects, and transactions -- all at a number of different stages in the sales funnel. Of course, it is always desirable to speed up the sales process whenever possible, and one of the areas where this can best be done is how you find and deal with prospects.

In fact, we’d argue that identifying targets and potential customers could be a full-time job. Thankfully, the tools that are currently available to use for this particular task have become much more efficient, and smart utilization of the right technology will cut the time you need to spend on this particular task considerably. Everything from developing and maintaining your prospect list, to interacting with contacts on a day to day basis, to accomplishing even the most routine tasks can be expedited, using the right digital tools and platforms.

Let’s take a closer look at 3 ways to streamline and accelerate your sales cycle.

1. Automate the routine.

Every CRE firm has routine and repetitive tasks that are critical to business operations -- but are still draining time that could be better utilized on more sophisticated work. Whenever you can, best practices suggest automating these tasks, which can include data entry, contact maintenance, or research.

The right CRM platform can manage many of these tasks for you, distributing your data across a number of applications, thus eliminating the need for redundant data entry.

2. Set goals for each conversation.

A great way to move sales through your pipeline is to set a clear goal for every call or interaction with a prospect. This way, both you and your prospect are working together, knowing both where you are currently and where you are going.

3. Leverage the right sales technology.

With time and experience, you will gain an innate understanding of who your ideal customers are, but what if you need a smart solution right now? The right platform can give you a deeper understanding of both your prospects and your team. These tools can then be used on your team to increase accountability, transparency, and communication. Using these tools to your advantage can give you the unique visibility to understand where your greatest opportunities are, saving your team both time and resources.

The RealNex platform allows you to streamline and accelerate your sales cycle. Our software features a complete end to end solution for your CRE firm, featuring Private and Secure Deal Rooms to facilitate transactions. Further, you can control access with an automated NDA and manage 7 levels of security.

With our unique platform, you can tap your CRM to pinpoint the most likely prospects and run an eMarket Campaign from our Marketplace to help drive traffic to your site. Monitor all access and activity to identify levels of interest and then call for offers to quickly and efficiently close deals for the highest value.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you win more business and close more deals -- faster.


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