Real News from RealNex

These are the Technology Expectations of Gen Z Agents

Posted by RealNex on Aug 1, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Take a look around, and it’s easy to see that Millennials have been the “talk of the town” in recent years. It seems their every move has been observed and talked about -- everything from how they work and how they play, to the way they talk and what motivates them. And we’d venture to say that nowhere are Millennials’ habits more closely studied than in the workplace. In fact, many employers, as well as workers from older generations (including Baby Boomers and Gen X), are still trying to get a handle on working with Millennials. And now comes Gen Z.

...wait, what?

That’s right, there’s a new generation in town. And they’re bringing with them a whole new set of values and ideas about how they like to work. These aren’t the kids who met technology later in life; rather, these are the kids who grew up with a tablet in their hands from the very beginning. As such, they have unique expectations of technology in the workplace and how it can be incorporated to worker smarter, not harder.

Let’s look closer at some of the technology expectations of Gen Z…

They expect companies to be on top of the latest technology.

Suffice it to say, companies who are not ahead of the curve when it comes to technology run the very real risk of alienating members of this tech-savvy generation. Think about it -- this generation has literally never known life without technology. So it should come as no surprise that research shows more than 90 percent of Gen Z workers say that a company’s technological sophistication will impact their perception of a career opportunity, either positively or negatively. And these employees understand the impact technology can have, as more than 3 out of 4 Gen Zers believe new technology will transform the ways in which they work, particularly in terms of helping their productivity and adding value to their work.

And when it comes to learning something new, they are also quick to turn to technology. In fact, an astounding 85 percent of Gen Z reports having watched at least one online video within the past week, for the sole purpose of learning a new skill (The Center).

Gen Z craves workplace technology that contributes to their personal growth.

More so than Millennials or even Gen Y, Gen Z reports feeling that professional development and growth are important parts of their job. They have a strong desire to learn and grow in the workplace, a trait that somewhat sets them apart from previous generations of the workforce. To keep them engaged and challenged, employers will need to incorporate learning management systems, as well as workplace training opportunities and certification programs -- all utilizing technology, of course -- into their onboarding and continuing education.

A big part of giving Gen Z what they want in the workplace means giving them tools they can use to work efficiently. With our CORE CRM, you and your employees have all your information on your desktop, in the cloud, and in the palm of your hand. Contact us today to find out more.

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