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Taking Your Listing Presentation into 2021

Posted by RealNex on Mar 23, 2021 9:00:00 AM

It’s 2021 and the world of business is growing increasingly digital — commercial real estate included. 

The pandemic has shown everyone involved with CRE how important it is to be active in the digital space. As a result of this digital migration, many old-school practices, like listing presentations, have moved online. 

Now, CRE agents need to learn how to deliver winning listing presentations in a totally new format. 

Fortunately, there are a few things that commercial listing agents can do to take their presentations to the next level. Improving your listing presentation skills in 2021 doesn’t just entail practicing public speaking and making presentation slides. This year and beyond, agents need to focus on translating the presentations online. 

If you’re a listing agent, here are 4 ways that you can make sure that your listing presentation is ready for 2021. 

Master Your Platform 

First and foremost, agents need to master the technology they will be using to give the presentation. 

The biggest difference between giving an in-person listing presentation and conducting a digital one is the technology involved. Agents will likely need to share their screens, send the client information, juggle speaking and switching slides, and more. Messing up here can severely weaken even the strongest presentations. 

If you don’t have experience with the video conferencing technology you’ll be using, give yourself a thorough training course. Agents who do know the program want to ensure that they understand how to perform every function required to conduct their online presentations. 

Keep It Conversational 

It’s easier to foster engagement at in-person presentations. Your audience is right in front of you, so conversations happen naturally. However, online presentations are different. Your audience may not feel comfortable interrupting,  asking questions, or interacting with you. 

Agents should avoid giving lectures. You don’t want to sound like a pre-recorded video. Keep your presentation conversational by taking pauses, asking questions, and involving the client. This makes it possible to build a relationship, even over the web.

Think About How You’ll Present Yourself, Too

Agents shouldn’t get so caught up in their presentation that they neglect the most basic element: introducing themselves to the client. 

Before giving a listing presentation, agents should take some time to set up their areas. Make sure the lights are clearly showing your face. Set your camera to the best angle. Clean up your background. Test out the microphone. Do whatever you can to come off as professional, skilled, and confident as possible. 

Practice Makes Perfect

When adopting anything new, practice is the key to success. 

The more you prepare, the better your virtual listing presentations will go. Spend time reviewing your presentation and working on your digital delivery. Make sure you have a detailed plan that outlines everything you need to say and do. Agents should avoid improvising until they have their basic presentation flow under their belt. 

Just like its traditional in-person counterpart, digital listing presentations play a crucial role in a commercial agent’s workflow. Agents need to take the time to become experts at digital listing presentations — one of CRE’s newest normals. 

For more commercial real estate tips, news, and insights, explore the RealNex Blog. 


Topics: emarketing, marketing, listings, presentations

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