Real News from RealNex

Three Technologies of the Past Decade that Changed CRE Forever

Posted by RealNex on Jan 13, 2017 9:35:33 AM

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It seems as if there is a continual stream of blog posts and articles about how technology is changing and shaping our lives. The CRE industry is no exception. Withing the industry technology functions as a series of ripples that continue to move ever faster and stronger as they pulse from the center, altering the way we work and attract business. Certainly, technological advancements in the last decade have impacted CRE by making information and transactions more accessible and faster-paced.

Let’s look at some of the technologies that have had a large impact on CRE over the past decade

The Smartphone

Undeniably, the smartphone has changed the world. It has changed the way business is transacted and the ways people connect. For CRE, perhaps the biggest changes can be classified under the umbrella of communication. Communication has become more immediate than ever through text, email, messaging apps, direct messages, social media and calls. Most importantly, the smartphone has become an invaluable resource for questions that arise during the day when a computer is not readily available.

The smartphone has also raised the bar on visual awareness since a smartphone also doubles as camera. Making sure that commercial projects are visually accessible on the internet is now an incredibly important tool for successfully attracting consumers.

Making it work …

Ready to up your smartphone game? Access apps that will help you better communicate: Try Slack (a handy communication app that can fuel your real estate team), or better yet, check out the new RealNex CORE app, which will be released in a few weeks. The CORE app will let you take your CRM on-the-go.

Social Media

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are paramount to professional communication. For CRE, social media has changed the way companies market. Social media allows for measurable engagement and an added way to get in front of potential clients -- not to mention a source of useful data regarding personas, purchase habits, and so much more. Successfully utilizing these platforms to target a consumer base can have amazing yields.

Making it work …

Take your social media to the next level in 2017 with these tips: Instagram’s Role in Commercial Real Estate, Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Better Social Profiles, Social Media Best Practices for CRE Professionals.   

To learn more about using social media attend our upcoming webinar on January 26th: "Leveraging Social Media to Build Your Brand and Business." (Click on the orange title to register.)

Mobile Optimization of the Internet

The Internet itself has become increasingly more accessible. Advances in optimization allow for mobile capabilities that were unimaginable even ten years ago. Everyone is getting in on this game. In fact, Google just recently changed its algorithm to help mobile optimized sites perform better in its rankings.

For CRE, this simply means more meaningful work in the field and the opportunity to work remotely. The RealNex CORE app will deliver a CRM with no strings attached.

Making it work …

Learn more about where mobile optimization is going with these resources: CRE Gets Pulled Out of the Dark Ages, Best Productivity Apps for Real Estate, and 5 Tips to Optimize Your Blog for Mobile Devices.

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Topics: CRM, Cloud, RealNex

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