Guest Blog by Michael Beckerman
The one thing real estate tech companies are doing better than anyone…
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User Spotlight: Hayim Mizrachi Uses RealNex to Streamline CRE Tasks
Hayim Mizrachi Uses RealNex to Streamline CRE Tasks
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5 Reasons Cloud-Based CRE Platforms Change the Game
Taking a rearview look at business tech developments show us just how far we have come. Electronic spreadsheets were a huge step, both in terms of efficiency and accuracy. Certainly, communication capabilities have been revolutionized by email and mobile phones. In recent years, however, cloud capabilites have changed the game for the CRE industry.
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Teamwork. At its best, it sparks creativity and results; at its worst, it can cause frustration, delays, and missed opportunity. The many relationships and processes that are part of the everyday in CRE demand collaboration to get the job done, but keeping teams running efficiently can be a real challenge.
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Staying on top of CRE trends and best practices means being connected. Things move quickly and online sources can help keep you in the loop, but time is limited. Luckily there are experts out there whose business it is to curate the content that’s significant and timely for you.
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Helping Clients Digest Big Data in Today's Real Estate Market
The past few years have been extremely productive in the CRE tech industry. Overall access to data has improved dramatically, thanks to advances leading to increased capacity and lower costs. Cloud computing and better storage technologies are helping to make data gathering and analysis faster than ever before.
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If social media are the lean hipsters of modern communication, email is probably more like a reliable, if a little stodgy, colleague. It may not be a racecar, but everyone knows how to drive it.
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Using Your CRM Platform and Other Technologies to Attract Millennial Talent
If you haven’t read at least one piece this month on how the millennial generation is influencing society, you’re the exception. It seems that everywhere we see the effects of this group’s preferences and priorities being played out. Their numbers in the U.S. exceed baby boomers by more than 10 million, and they are the dominant demographic in today’s workforce.
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Few of us would argue with the idea that leads must be carefully managed and nurtured in order to make a sale. This is the lifeblood of CRE and many other industries. Still, with the masses of correspondence and data they deal with on a daily basis, brokers can find it challenging to address this aspect of their work as well as they would like.
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