Our mission at RealNex is to provide you with solutions that can help to streamline and improve your business’s productivity. To this end, we are concerned with every step of the implementation process – from the back-end operations all the way to adoption. We’ve found that a significant factor in implementation of any CRM is to proactively plan for a successful rollout. With research showing that sales teams that use a CRM can increase customer satisfaction by 66%, it is imperative that your rollout is executed properly to ensure all users are on board.
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Topics: CRM, RealNex, rollout, CRM implementation
The sales cycle is a process -- a series of steps that convince a person or a group of people to say yes on multiple occasions. In other words, this process is essentially multiple small sales that hopefully lead up to the one big sale at the end. These small steps might include getting a prospect to give you their contact information, utilizing that contact information to reach out, and then convincing them to work with you.
Topics: Commercial Real Estate, mobile app, CORE
Best Practices for Personal Branding in Commercial Real Estate
Getting Emails Noticed -- Four Ways to Garner the Click
Three Technologies of the Past Decade that Changed CRE Forever
It seems as if there is a continual stream of blog posts and articles about how technology is changing and shaping our lives. The CRE industry is no exception. Withing the industry technology functions as a series of ripples that continue to move ever faster and stronger as they pulse from the center, altering the way we work and attract business. Certainly, technological advancements in the last decade have impacted CRE by making information and transactions more accessible and faster-paced.
Customer Relationships Management (CRM) software is a must-have for real estate firms. According to Inman, as many as 70% of real estate agents use a CRM to organize contact information, maintain long-term relationships, automate tasks, and make service more efficient and personalized.
Topics: CRM
Real estate professionals are on the go, and apps that let us take care of business anywhere are tremendous time savers. Often, however, researching and selecting the best tools can take up great amounts of time -- defeating the purpose of 'efficiency' apps. Fear not. We've done some looking around for you. Read on for details on productivity apps that are ideal for real estate.
Topics: CRE, Real Estate Technology
Five Ways Goal Setting Can Fuel Growth in the New Year
In case you missed it, summer is over. Fall is well underway, and the end of the year is just around the corner. It’s a great time to be thinking about your business plan for the coming year.
We know that having a solid plan is the recipe for success in just about anything, and the first step should always be determining where you want that plan to take you. Establishing goals for your firm provides you with direction and inspiration. When you have clearly articulated objectives, everyone understands where you’re headed and how you’ll get there.Kick Your 2017 Marketing Plan Off Right with Quality CRM Tools
Topics: CRM, Commercial Real Estate, Cloud, RealNex
4 Actions Brokers Can Take to Increase Email Open Rates
It goes without saying that a successful real estate email marketing campaign involves the emails actually being opened and the links actually being clicked. Whether you’re sending out prospecting emails or are simply following-up with a current client, these simple tips can help you improve your open rates.